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Dental implants are the most ideal and technologically advanced way of replacing missing teeth. Implants mimic tooth roots, and are made out of titanium to best restore function and beauty to your smile. 


Implants provide a strong foundation for the restoration of single teeth, bridges, or an entire smile. They’re comfortable, durable and aesthetically satisfying: the titanium “root” is integrated to the jawbone so they look, feel, and work like natural teeth. 


Implants are also used to secure partial or complete dentures. If you have a loose or ill-fitting denture, you may be a candidate for dental implants. Using implants to secure your denture can dramatically improve your oral healt, your ability to eat and speak and your overall quality of life. 


A surgeon will place the implants and once healing is complete, Dr. John Fabbro will take an impression of the area. Our lab will fabricate a custom-made porcelain or porcelain-and-metal crown to recreate the aesthetic of your original tooth. 


There is much to consider before getting a dental implant. Dr. Fabbro will examine the location of the missing teeth, assess the quality of your jawbone, check your overall health, lay out the cost, and consult with you to determine your preferences.

If you’d like to learn more about dental implants, contact Dr. Fabbro at (705)759-3338 or set up a consultation.

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